Increased autonomy and distance traveled up to 25 km / day. Optimal solar production when the vehicle is stopped thanks to opacifying technology. Full coverage on truck bodies, trailers, and tarpaulins. Reduced sunlight in the cabin: Reduced air conditioning. Use of batteries with lower capacities - Installation pays for itself in a few months
The PV Gel can be used effectively in a greenhouse to allow optimal plant photosynthesis while generating solar electricity. This configuration offers the benefits of controlled sun protection while maximizing renewable energy production, which can help make farming more sustainable and economically advantageous
Photovoltaic windows replace blinds and allow self-consumption of electricity with just 30m² installed on a 100m² house. With solar batteries and home automation, this allows the use of unexploited surfaces (facades, fences, etc.) to produce energy and recover the installation cost in less than a year. Savings and contribution to energy transition
The PV Gel provides energy input both outdoors and indoors, reducing the constant need to recharge batteries. A smartphone exposed to the sun for 30 minutes can benefit from an additional hour of talk time.
The design of this PV gel allows it to conform to the rounded shapes of objects, offering seamless integration.
The PV Gel reliably and sustainably powers the internet of things, with a low installation cost, promoting an environmentally friendly energy solution for IoT devices